# Advanced project config

The following retype.yml sample includes all possible project configuration options.

Download retype.yml
retype.yml 9.71KB

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Retype Pro
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

poweredByRetype: true         # Set to false to remove "Powered by Retype"
                              # A Retype Pro license is required
                              # See: https://retype.com/pro

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

  enabled: true               # Enabled by default on Pro projects
  home: Home                  # Custom label for the first item
  home: ":icon-home:"         # or, use an icon
  separator: "|"              # Custom item separator

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

  enabled: true               # Enabled by default on Pro projects
  custom: 'rel="noopener noreferrer"' # custom attribute added to links
  icon: link-external         # A custom icon name, :emoji:, <svg>, or
                              # a path to a file
  iconAlign: left             # Icon alignment, to the left or right
  target: blank               # Custom target
                              # Use "blank" to open link in a new window
  exclude:                    # Links or patterns to exclude
    - example.com             # Exclude all links containing example.com
    - example.com/docs/*      # Wildcards are valid
  include:                    # Links or patterns to include
    - example.com             # Only include links containing example.com
    - example.com/docs/*      # Wildcards are valid

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Retype
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

input: .                      # Local path from this retype.yml file to the
                              # root of your project content files
                              # See also: output

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

output: .retype               # Custom path to the output directory
                              # See also: input

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

url: example.com              # The base URL of your website
url: docs.example.com         # Can also be a sub-domain
url: example.com/docs         # Can also include a sub-folder path
url: https://example.com/docs # Can also include a protocol

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

  title: Example              # Your custom website title; keep it short
  logo: /logo.png             # Path to a logo file
  logoDark: /logo-dark.png    # Path to a logo file to use in dark mode
  logoAlign: right            # Align the logo to the right or the left
  label: Docs                 # Optional label
                              # To remove the label, remove this config
    label:                    # Label colors
      text: "#ffffff"         # Custom color for the label text
      background: "#ff0000"   # Custom color for the label background

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

links:                        # Custom links to add to the top bar
                              # See also: footer.links
  - text: Home                # The text to use for the link
    link: https://example.com # Link to an internal file or external URL
  - text: API
    link: /getting-started.md # Link to an internal file
    icon: gear                # A custom icon name, :emoji:, <svg>, or
                              # a path to a file
    iconAlign: left           # Icon alignment, to the left or right
    target: blank             # Custom target
                              # Use "blank" to open link in a new window

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

  copyright: "© All rights reserved." # A custom copyright statement
  links:                      # A list of links to include in the footer
                              # See also: links
    - text: License           # The text to use for the link
      link: license.md        # Point to an internal file or external URL

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

  busting: query              # Cache busting strategy
                              # Options: none | path | query (default)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

cname: example.com            # The CNAME file value
                              # or, false to not create a CNAME file

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

  repo: ""                    # The URL to source files for this project
  base: ""                    # Optional base path to a directory within repo
  branch: ""                  # Point to a custom branch within the repo
  label: "Edit this page"     # A custom label for the generated link

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

editor:                       # Configure the page live editor functionality
                              # that is only available during `retype start`
  enabled: true               # false to disable and hide the live editor

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

exclude:                      # Files or folders to exclude from the build
                              # See also: include
  - "*_temp/"                 # Wildcards are valid
  - "/src/temp.md"            # Exclude a specific file

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

favicon: static/favicon.png   # Path to a custom favicon, or
                              # just put a favicon.ico in your project root

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

  recase: all                 # `none` to not recase any file or folder names
                              # By default, all generated file and folder names
                              # are generated in all lowercase

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

include:                      # Files or folders to include in the build
                              # See also: exclude
  - "*.py"                    # Wildcards are valid

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    id: ""                    # Your Google Analytics measurement id
    id: ""                    # Your Google Tag Manager measurement id
    enabled: true             # false to disable using Gravatar images
    default: mp               # What Gravatar profile image to use
  plausible:                  # Plausible.io integration
    domain: domain1.com,domain2.com # Your plausible domain(s)
    host: plausible.example.com     # Custom Plausible host name

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

markdown:                     # Markdown configuration options
  lineBreaks: soft            # Switch between `soft` and `hard` line breaks

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

  title: " | Widgets"         # Appended to the <title> element on all pages

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

search:                       # Custom configuration of the website search
    - "/"                     # Keyboard key to set focus in the search field
                              # Default is "k"
  maxResults: 20              # Max number of search results to render
  minChars: 2                 # Min characters required to trigger a search
  mode: full                  # The search index creation mode
                              # Options include: full | partial | basic
  noResultsFoundMsg: "No results" # Message when no results are found
  placeholder: Search         # Placeholder text used in the input field

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

  host:             # Serve the website from this host location
  host:        # Custom port also supported
  port: 5005                  # Custom port configured separately from host
    mode: memory              # Where to host files from during retype watch
                              # Options include: memory (default) | disk
    polling: true             # How Retype will listen for file changes
                              # Options: false (default) | true | number
    validation: optimal       # How thorough Retype is looking for file changes
                              # Options: fast | full | optimal (default)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

  open: false                 # Do not automatically open web browser on start

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

snippets:                     # Custom code snippets configuration
                              # See: https://retype.com/components/code-snippet
  lineNumbers:                # Language shortcodes to enable line numbering on
    - js
    - none                    # `none` to disable line-numbering on snippets

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

  enabled: true               # Enable or disable the Retype content templating
  liquid: false               # Is Liquid syntax {% ... %} enabled?
                              # If true, Retype is incompatible with the
                              # GitBook style of component configuration