# Getting Started

Getting started with Retype is super quick and you can be up and running within seconds.

Check out the Quick start for the condensed process or continue here with the detailed instructions.

# Prerequisites

Retype is installed using either npm, yarn, or the dotnet CLI.

You only need one of those three package managers as a prerequisite, although all three could be installed on your computer too. It's up to you. 🙌

Package Manager Supported Platforms
npm Mac Win Linux
yarn Mac Win Linux
dotnet Mac Win Linux

# Install

It takes just a few seconds to install Retype using any of the following commands. Choose the command based on a package manager you have installed on your computer.

npm install retypeapp --global
retype start
yarn global add retypeapp
retype start
dotnet tool install retypeapp --global
retype start

That's it! 🎉 Your new Retype website should be up and running. 🎉

# Update

Update to the latest release of Retype using one of the following commands for the package manager that you initially installed Retype with. For instance, if you used npm to install Retype, run the npm update command to update Retype locally.

npm update retypeapp --global
yarn global upgrade retypeapp
dotnet tool update retypeapp --global

# Uninstall

Done with Retype? It's okay, we understand. 😢

Uninstalling Retype is just as simple as installing. Use the same package manager to uninstall as you did to install. For instance, if you used npm to install Retype, run the npm uninstall command to remove.

npm uninstall retypeapp --global
yarn global remove retypeapp
dotnet tool uninstall retypeapp --global

All Retype related files and folders within your project can be deleted, such as the retype.yml file and the generated .retype folder.

# Platform specific

The default retypapp NPM package is a bundle of several platform specific packages. The installer will automatically detect and choose the correct platform package from the bundle during installation.

The bundle provides convenience although at the cost of an increased download size.

The dotnet package installer will automatically download the platform specific package.

For NPM and Yarn, it is possible to install smaller platform specific packages without the bundling. Currently, four separate platforms are supported and can be installed independently from the primary retypeapp package.

# macOS

npm install retypeapp-darwin-x64 --global
yarn global add retypeapp-darwin-x64
dotnet tool install retypeapp --global
OS Version Architectures
macOS 10.15+ x64, Arm64

# Windows

npm install retypeapp-win-x64 --global
# or
npm install retypeapp-win-x86 --global
yarn global add retypeapp-win-x64
# or
yarn global add retypeapp-win-x86
dotnet tool install retypeapp --global
OS Version Architectures
Windows 10 Client Version 1607+ x64, x86, Arm64
Windows 11 Version 22000+ x64, x86, Arm64
Windows Server 2012+ x64, x86
Windows Server Core 2012+ x64, x86
Nano Server Version 1809+ x64

# Linux

npm install retypeapp-linux-x64 --global
yarn global add retypeapp-darwin-x64
dotnet tool install retypeapp --global
OS Version Architectures
Alpine Linux 3.15+ x64, Arm64, Arm32
CentOS Linux 7 x64
CentOS Stream Linux 8 x64
Debian 10+ x64, Arm64, Arm32
Fedora 36+ x64
openSUSE 15+ x64
Oracle Linux 7+ x64
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7+ x64, Arm64
SUSE Enterprise Linux (SLES) 12 SP2+ x64
Ubuntu 18.04+ x64, Arm64, Arm32