Tag: guide
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Getting started with Retype is super quick and you can be up and running within seconds.
Markdown .md pages are plain text documents with a simple human readable syntax that aims to make writing for the internet easier.
Add a simple GitHub Action to your project to automate the building and deployment of your Retype powered website.
The Retype CLI is clean and simple. The majority of the time you will run just one command: retype start
Cloudflare is a popular website used to host your websites and protect them, It's used by millions of people also using Retype.
Using a docker container has numerous advantages, including:

Hosting your Retype built website on GitHub Pages is free and simple to setup.
Add a simple CI/CD pipeline to the project to automate the building and deployment of the Retype powered website via
Netlify is a popular web hosting platform that allows you to deploy your website easily.